This orchestra, composed entirely by Malawian percussionists, offers traditional songs in a rare format.
These are raw recordings that the Mzuzu outdoor studio is offering us on the 1000HZ label. The laughter of the children, the crowing of the rooster and the distant churning of the mill are all part of the soundscape featured in the record. The band’s leader, Emmanuel Mlonga Ngwira, has chosen darker themes for this second album, a choice probably linked to the fact that he faces many existential challenges, having recently lost his home.
The band brings a more meditative character to this album, working in long tracks that reach a state of trance so sought after in the repetitions of rhythmic sound patterns. Such a performance stems from the local way of interpreting the music. A hypnotizing charm weaves itself into the daily environment. Local songs of ingoma, mitungo and beni harbor strong links to ideas of magic,and it can take the form of a love potion or the reincarnation of a lizard dancer thanks to powerful amulets … Bewitchment is guaranteed!
Kukaya Bili will be available on October 27 via 1000HZ.